Bring Home a Positive Mindset
Bring Home a Positive Mindset
When you are facing issues or challenges with your marriage, you may seek advice at Marriage Vantage Point.
Making Your Relationships Matter
Making Your Relationships Matter
Healthy discussions at home pave the way to strong, meaningful relationships. That way, there won’t be any hasty endings faced in court. When you are facing issues or challenges with your marriage, you may seek advice at Marriage Vantage Point.
Carim and Michelle Hyatt founded this business, starting with their book and leading to a radio program. We minister marriages, share encouragement from a Biblical standpoint, and help couples around the world. Check back on this page to see items from our online shop.
How We’ve Helped People
How We’ve Helped People
A couple was inspired by one of our radio program segments on marriage. This gave them inspiration and encouragement to restore their own marriage after being on the brink of divorce.